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SCM-Bash 2009

Version vom 26. Dezember 2009, 22:41 Uhr von (Diskussion) (Talks)
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Organization page of the 2009 SCM Bash


Wir werden verschiedene SCMs (Source Code Management-Systeme) vorstellen und miteinander vergleichen.

Kontakt: dlevin (at) cs.tu-berlin de

Time and Venue

Freitag, 24.04.2009, 17:00 - 19:00
TEL Auditorium 2 (20 Stock)
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
D-10587 Berlin


System / Title of the talk Speaker Talk Slides Material Email
CVS Rainer May German German rainer at
Subversion (svn) Dan Levin English English Slides (PDF) dlevin at
Bazaar (bzr) Jörg Brühe German English Slides (PDF) joerg.bruehe at
Git Sebastian Pipping German English Slides (PDF), Sources (LaTeX) sebastian at
Mercurial - as an alternative to git Bjørn Lindeijer English English Slides (PDF) bjorn lindeijer nl

Info for Speakers

Preliminary info:

  • Please decide on a language for your talk (English or German).
  • Is your talk going to have an interactive component or be a workshop where users can work along?
  • Talks should be no longer than 20 min + 10 min for additional material/questions in the event we have fewer than 5 talks.
  • Assume users have basic knowledge of SCM. What makes YOUR SCM interesting/different/better/worse/more desirable?


  • Approx 28 audience members in attendance.
  • Advertisments should have gone up earlier
  • Book a larger room
  • Email addresses of speakers should have been collected on sign-up
  • More coordination needed among distributed scm presenters to avoid redundancy in presented material and improve audience's ability to compare and contrast the systems
  • Overall, the event ran quite smoothly and it appeared everyone was pleased
  • Are there any plans for publishing the slides? (Yes, see top)

"I enjoyed it. I didn't notice anything that went bad or wrong.

If you have similar events / talks / presentations in the future, I would like to hear of them; and if I feel competent in the subject, I would offer talks like this one."