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Benutzer:Grey/UDP-Testskript EN


breadboard constructions

There are different variations of breadboard constructions for FWTEST and the FWAGENT, see here: breadboard constructions


On the basis of an example we want to illustrate an implementation of a testscript. For example, we want to make a draft on the netdate-service of (we don't really to make a draft on, but we only simulate the traffic) for getting the actual time. Netdate exists for UDP and TCP, we take here the UDP-variation.

if we would eavesdrop the traffic with etereal or tcpdump, the packets should look like that they are real and not generated(more to this topic here: Limits of tests).

Basically we are processing following credits:

  1. creating default IP-packet(achen -> bchen)
  2. creating default IP-packet(bchen -> achen)
  3. creating default UDP-packet(achen -> bchen)
  4. creating default UDP-packet(bchen -> achen)
  5. adjusting IP-packet
  6. adjusting UDP-packet
  7. merging IP- and UDP-packets
  8. sending UDP/IP-packets via transceive-function
  9. evaluation

Now we take a closer look at the testscript, at the end will be the link to the complete source code of the netdate-script:

  • At first we have to import our wrapper-classes (with prefix fwt_) and other needed classes:
import fwt_ip      # wrapper-Klasse zum erstellen/ändern von IP-Paketen
import fwt_udp     # wrapper-Klasse zum erstellen/ändern von UDP-Paketen
import fwt_tcp     # wrapper-Klasse zum erstellen/ändern von TCP-Paketen
import posix       # TODO: Erklärung

  • After that we define two variables for debugging. dry_run is for run called dry-run, which do the packet creation, but the finally sending is skipped. The second effects, that only bchen will send their packets, packets from achen are skipped.
dry_run=0	    # if set the transceive function is skipped
response_only=0    # send time protocol response only

  • TODO Wir müssen die Beiden Agenten Achen und Bchen mit einer IP-Adresse festlegen.

  • TODO
FILTER_A="not tcp port 1500 and src " + BCHEN + " and dst " + ACHEN + " or icmp"
FILTER_B="not tcp port 1500 and src " + ACHEN + " and dst " + BCHEN + " or icmp"

  • As basis we need our IP-packet as we generated here. We can use our wrapper-class fwt_ip to create the default IP-packet.
ip_packet = fwt_ip.Packet(fwt_ip.defaultPacket)

  • The default IP-packet has to be modified, e.g. the correct protocol is not set. To do so, we use the set-funcition of our wrapper-class fwt_ip. All fields of the IP-packet can be set by the set-function.
ip_packet.set ({
    fwt_ip.HEADER_PROTOCOL: 17,

  • The next step is to calculate the IHL(Internet Header Length) and the Header Checksum. An easy way to do it is to call the FIXUP-function of our wrapper-class. THe FIXUP corrects the fields(TODO: WELCHE?) of IP-packet. Our IP-packet will be loaded later with the SourceIP and the DestinationIP.
ip_packet.fixup (fwt_ip.FIXUP_ALL)

  • Currently we have an IP-packet as basis for both UDP-packets, but be also need the UDP-packets itself. We define with our wrapper-class two UDP-packets, the one for the way from achen to bchen and one for the reversed way. Each of these UDP-packets will be the payload for the IP-packets. They also have now only the base preferences, which have to be modified.
udp_pkt_ab = fwt_udp.Packet(fwt_udp.defaultPacket)
udp_pkt_ba = fwt_udp.Packet(fwt_udp.defaultPacket)

  • The base preferences are good beginning, but the UDP-packets get to be modified now, e.g.: sourceport, destinationport. At first we modify the UDP-packet from achen to bchen...
    fwt_udp.HEADER_CHECKSUM:      0,
    fwt_udp.HEADER_SOURCEPORT:   53,
    fwt_udp.HEADER_DESTPORT:     37,
    fwt_udp.PAYLOAD:	         '\x0a'
  • ...and then from bchen to achen.
    fwt_udp.HEADER_CHECKSUM:      0,
    fwt_udp.HEADER_SOURCEPORT:   37,
    fwt_udp.HEADER_DESTPORT:     53,
    fwt_udp.PAYLOAD: '\x69\xdc\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x77\x77\x77\x05\x68\x65\x69\x73\x65\x02\x64\x65\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01',

Pay attention that you take the right Destination Port of the service you will use. The payload of the UDP-packet have to be hardcode-implemented in hex.

  • Likewise a FIXUP of both UDP-packets have to be done, like the IP-packets. So the length and the Header Checksum will be corrected or changed:
udp_pkt_ab.fixup(fwt_udp.FIXUP_ALL, ACHEN, BCHEN);
udp_pkt_ba.fixup(fwt_udp.FIXUP_ALL, BCHEN, ACHEN);

  • After we created our default IP-packet and our modified default UDP-packets, we want to merge these packets to an UDP/IP-packet froma achen to bchen and reverse. The IP-packet listed befor act as a template for the UDP/IP-packet from achen to bchen. The constructor get the IP-packet as a dictionary and retruns a UDP/IP-packet.
ip_udp_pkt_ab = fwt_ip.Packet(ip_packet.as_dict())

  • The UDP/IP-packet needs a destination- and source-IP. As the payload, mentioned above, we refer the UDP-packet(as string).
    fwt_ip.PAYLOAD: udp_pkt_ab.as_str()

  • Yet we have set the IP-packet with the destination- and source-IP, but the Header Checksum must be generate as once again. This will do the FIXUP.

  • The same must be done for the UDP-packet from bchen to achen.
ip_udp_pkt_ba = fwt_ip.Packet(ip_packet.as_dict())
    fwt_ip.PAYLOAD: udp_pkt_ba.as_str()

  • For printing the received packets a print-function(printResult) is needed. The function checks if achen or bchen received any packet and print it on the standard out otherwise an error(timeout) is returned.
def printResult (result):
    if result[0] is not None:
         print 'Received on A:\n%r\n' % result[0]
    if result[1] is not None:
         print 'Received on B:\n%r\n' % result[1]
    if result[0] is None and result[1] is None:
         print 'Timeout'

  • If the dry_run option is 1, the packets are printed out to the console.
if dry_run == 1:
    print 'dry_run: skip all transceive functions'
    print 'Would send IP packet a->b:\n%s\n' % repr(ip_udp_pkt_ab.as_dict())
    print 'Would send IP packet b->a:\n%s\n' % repr(ip_udp_pkt_ba.as_dict())

  • At this point it gets more serious and the packets will be send


    fwt_ip.set_coarse_filter_and_arp (fwt_ip.IFACE_A, [ ("", "")])
    fwt_ip.set_coarse_filter_and_arp (fwt_ip.IFACE_B, [ ("", "")])

  • If the second variable(response_only) is 1 only the packet from bchen to achen will be send by the transceive-function, the packet from achen to bchen is skipped. The received packet is stored in result.

TODO:an welche stelle wird paket in result gespeichert?

    if response_only == 1:
         print 'Will send IP packet b->a:\n%r\n' % ip_udp_pkt_ba
         result = fwt_ip.transceive (fwt_ip.IFACE_B, ip_udp_pkt_ba, filterA=FILTER_A, filterB=FILTER_B, timeoutA=500, timeoutB=0)
         printResult (result)

  • Otherwise the UDP/IP-packet from achen to bchen is send and than the packet from bchen to achen. The received packet are stored again in result.
         print 'Will send IP packet a->b:\n%r\n' % ip_udp_pkt_ab
         result = fwt_ip.transceive (fwt_ip.IFACE_A, ip_udp_pkt_ab,  filterA=FILTER_A, filterB=FILTER_B, timeoutA=0, timeoutB=500)
         printResult (result)
         if result[1] is not None:
              print 'Will send IP packet b->a:\n%r\n' % ip_udp_pkt_ba
              result = fwt_ip.transceive (fwt_ip.IFACE_B, ip_udp_pkt_ba, filterA=FILTER_A, filterB=FILTER_B, timeoutA=500, timeoutB=0)
              printResult (result)
              print 'Lost origin packet -- Skip sending answer'

complete code of netdate.


What does the transceive-function exactly?

Which parameters are expected of the transceive-function?

Which result is return by transceive?