Sitzung: Jeden Freitag in der Vorlesungszeit ab 16 Uhr c. t. im MAR 0.005. In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit unregelmäßig (Jemensch da?). Macht mit!


< Javakurs‎ | Übungsaufgaben‎ | Appleman
Version vom 8. April 2007, 13:14 Uhr von Cleeus (Diskussion)
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class Appleman {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//create the drawing area
		Pad drawPad = new Pad();
		//set limits for iteration
		int maxIter = 100000;
		double maxAbsZ = 100000;
		//set area to draw
		double startX = -2;
		double startY = -1;
		double endX = 1;
		double endY = 1;
		//set width of one pixel
		double step = 0.003;
		//calculate window width/height
		int width = (int)((endX - startX)/step);
		int height = (int)((endY - startY)/step);
		//final pad operations
		drawPad.setPadSize(width, height);
		double cReal = startX; //real part of c
		double cImg = startY; //imaginary part of c
		//first loop: iterate over y coordinate
		for(int y=0; y<height; y++) {
			cImg += step;
			cReal = startX;
			//second loop: iterate over x coordinate
			for(int x=0; x<width; x++) {
				cReal += step;
				//do the z_n+1 = z_n + c iteration
				int iter = pointIteration(cReal, cImg, maxAbsZ, maxIter);
				//the point is included in the mandelbrot set, draw a point
				if(iter==maxIter) {
					drawPad.drawDot(x, y);
	public static int pointIteration(double cReal, double cImg, double maxAbsZ, int maxIter) {
		double zReal = 0; //real part of z_n
		double zImg = 0; //imaginary part of z_n
		int i=0;
		//z_n+1 = z_n + c
		//stop when either maxIter is reached (we assume, that the point is included in the mandelbrot set)
		// or when the abs(z_n) is big enough (we assume, that the point is not included in the mandelbrot set)
		while(i<maxIter && (zReal*zReal+zImg*zImg)<maxAbsZ) {
			zReal = zReal*zReal - zImg*zImg + cReal;
			zImg = 2*zReal*zImg + cImg;
		//return the number of iterations done
		return i;